
In addition to causing discomfort and pain, Acne raises the possibility of permanently leaving a scar on your body. This worsens the situation and lowers your self-confidence. Skin problems are treated by a dedicated dermatology department at Sarvodaya Hospital.

Our skilled team of dermatologists make sure that your acne is treated as effectively as possible. After carefully diagnosing your issue and taking into account crucial elements like age, gender, and other medical conditions, they also offer tailored therapies. They also offer practical solutions for taking good care of your skin and maintaining its health.

The Centre for Dermatology at Sarvodaya actively provides comprehensive care for your skin, nails, and hair. We deliver a broad range of treatments and curative services in general, surgical, cosmetic, and pediatric dermatology and venereology.

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Sarvodaya Hospital, Sector-8, Faridabad

Sarvodaya Hospital

Sector-8, Faridabad

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Sarvodaya Hospital, Sector-8, Faridabad

Sarvodaya Hospital

Sector-8, Faridabad

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