Feb 08, 2023

Academic CME on Tinnitus @ Sarvodaya Hospital, Sec-8, Fbd

The Centre for ENT & Cochlear Implant led by Dr. Ravi Bhatia, Director, ENT & Cochlear Implant at Sarvodaya Hospital, Sec-8, Faridabad is going forward by leaps & bounds in ensuring that patients get the most advanced modalities of care & treatment. The most recent initiative being - 'TINNITUS' - A Simplified Series (Academic CME) in association with Delhi Branch of Indian Speech & Hearing Association, to enable professionals in the field to engage in a knowledge-sharing session.
Leading healthcare professionals & some of the brightest minds in Audiology & Speech Therapy came together for a highly informative discussion on Tinnitus Assessment & Management. Here is a glimpse of the same.