Dr. Ranjan Modi

Senior Consultant & Head (Unit Il) - Interventional Cardiology

Department : Interventional Cardiology, Cardiology, Cardiac Sciences

Dr. Ranjan Modi | Interventional Cardiology,Cardiology,Cardiac Sciences | Sarvodaya Hospital


Dr. Ranjan Modi is a highly skilled and experienced Consultant Cardiologist. One of the best cardiothoracic surgeons in Delhi NCR, he has been practising for over six years now and is highly sought after for his expertise in the field of interventional cardiology and structural heart disease expert. His specialities are in cardiac valve replacement - Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation /Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Structural Heart Interventions, Intravascular imaging ( OCT/IVUS ), Coronary Angiography, Peripheral Angiography, Angioplasty & Stenting, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Echocardiography, Tread MI Test (TMT), Holter Monitoring and ABPM Test.

The best TAVI surgeon, Dr. Modi is also a research enthusiast and has several papers to his credit. He is a graduate of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, and holds a DM in Cardiology. He has numerous publications and presentations to his name on both national and international platforms. Dr. Modi has been involved in numerous research activities and has been a part of many international clinical trials. He has almost 50+ Research Publications.

13+ Experience | 100+ Publications | 10+Awards


  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation / Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVI/TAVR)
  • Structural heart interventions
  • Intravascualr imaging ( OCT/IVUS )
  • Coronary Angiography
  • Peripheral Angiography
  • Angioplasty & Stenting
  • Heart Failure
  • Hypertension
  • Echocardiography
  • Tread MI Test (TMT)
  • Holter Monitoring
  • ABPM Test


  • DM ( Cardiology) (GOLD MEDALLIST) from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KLE Hospital  and MRC, Belgaum 
  • MD (General Medicine) from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum  
  • MBBS from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum  


  • Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
  • Associate Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla, New Delhi.
  • Registrar in the Department of Cardiology, KLE Hospital and MRC, Belgaum.
  • Junior Resident in the Department of Accident and Emergency Medical Services, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Junior Resident in the Department of Medicine, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

Awards & Recognition

  • Awarded the “Most Promising Cardiologist of the Year -2022” by Nationwide Health care Awards by Business mint
  • Awarded the “YOUNG MEDICAL ACHIEVER OF THE YEAR 2019” by Indian Health Professional awards.
  • Awarded the “BEST JUNIOR DOCTOR 2018 “ at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute , New Delhi.
  • Awarded the "BEST POSTER PRESENTATION" in CSI 2015- 67th annual conference of Cardiology society of India, Chennai - “Prediction of coronary  artery disease severity  using newly defined scoring  systemCHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score”.
  • Awarded the "BEST POSTER PRESENTATION" under the category of Cardiology in APICON 2012,Kolkata " Assessment of Apolipoproteins in Coronary Artery Disease".
  • Awarded the "BEST PAPER IN PLATFORM PRESENTATION" under the category of Cardiology in KAPICON 2011,Mysore " Exercise testing as a tool for guiding therapy among pre-hypertensives- a one year cross sectional study in KLES Hospital and MRC Belgaum".
  • Awarded the "BEST PAPER IN PLATFORM PRESENTATION" under the category of Infectious Diseases in KAPICON 2010 "Clinical profile of septic shock and its correlation to lactic acidemia as a prognostic marker- a descriptive one year ICU study in KLES Hospital and MRC Belgaum".
  • Awarded the PRINCIPAL AWARD FOR CHOIR SINGING by Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan , New Delhi 1999
  • Awarded the Merit Certificate for Academics for Good Academic Performance by Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan , New Delhi 1997
  • Awarded the Merit Certificate for Computer Project by Springdales School Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 1995
  • Awarded the Merit Certificate by Springdales School Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 1994



  • FSCAI International
  • ACC- International associate
  • APSIC- Associate Fellow


  • Indian College of Cardiology
  • Cardiology Society of India

Other Information

Presentations at International Cardiology Conferences:

  • Sanjay Porwal, Dr. Ranjan Modi, Dr. Suresh V Patted, Dr. Prabhu Halkati, Ashok Thakkar, Arohi Sarang“Successful non surgical management of entrapped hydrophilic guide wire during  percutaneous coronary intervention“ published in  interventional Cardiology  (Nov  2014  ,  6(5),  411-414.
  • Sanjay Porwal, Dr. Ranjan Modi, Dr. Rajshekar Patil, Harikrishna Damodaran, Nirlep Gajiwala and Ashok  Thakkar “ Gelfoam Embolization —A Preoperative Requisite in Patients with Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: Report of Three patient“published in British Journal  of Medicine & Medical Research 6(7) 730-734, 207 5. BJMMR.2015,250 January  2015
  • Ranjan Modi , Dr. S.V. Patted, Dr.  P.C. Halkati, Dr. Sanjay Porwal, Dr. Sameer Ambar, Dr. Prasad MR,  Dr. Vijay Metgudmath, Dr. Ameet Sattur “CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score – New predictor of severity of coronary artery disease in 2976 patients” International Journal of Cardiology 228 (2017) 1002–1006
  • Dr Modi SK and Ranjan Modi “Atrial Fibrillation in India: Is it a Tide Rising or a Tsunami? “ Mini Article published in Austin Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Atherosclerosis , Volume 4 issue 1 -March 2017
    • Ranjan Modi , Dr. S.V. Patted, Dr.  P.C. Halkati, Dr. Sanjay Porwal, Dr. Sameer Ambar, Dr. Prasad MR,  Dr. Vijay Metgudmath- “LEMBE study- Left Main PCI in belgaumJ Clin Exp Cardiolog 2017, 8:10
    • Ashok Seth and Dr. Ranjan Modi” Venous access closure: From A to Z” Editorial comment - Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2018;91:113–114
    • Ranjan Modi , Dr. P.C. Halkati, Dr.  S.V. Patted “ Coronary Cameral Fistulae a Scarce Entity” case report Advancements in Cardiovascular Research ,Adv Card Res 1(1)- 2018. ACR.MS.ID.000101.
    • Dr Nishith Chandra ,Dr Ranjan ModiVery late stent thrombosis- An emerging predicament” Journal of Cardiology Case Reports. Volume 2: 1-3, 2019.
    • Dr Sunil Modi, Dr Ranjan ModiAcute Coronary Syndrome in Octogenerians: Management Perspectives- review article.”  Journal of Integrative cardiology open access | ISSN 2674-2489- 2020
    • Review article: How Low is Low LDL?  Can J Biomed Res & Tech, September 2020 Vol:3, Issue:4
    • Nishith Chandra, Ranjan Modi - Optical Coherence Tomography: A Contemporary Realism in Stent Fracture- Cardiol Cardiovasc Med 2021; 5 (1): 134-142
    • Dr Atul Mathur, Dr Ranjan Modi- Twine and Twine or Lose the Plug- Dislodged Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device- Advancements in Cardiovascular Research; ISSN: 2638-5368 DOI:10.32474/ACR.2019.01.000124.
    • Dr Ranjan Modi, Dr Rajiv Mehrotra, Dr Diwakar Kumar-Ticagrelor and Bradyarrythimias- Cardiol Cardiovasc Med 2021;5 (3): 17-20   5 No. 3 - June 2021. [ISSN 2572-9292]
    • Dr Raman Puri, et al , Dr Ranjan Modi- Evidence of Intensive LDL C lowering for acute coronary syndrome : Recommendations from Lipid Association of India- Journal of Clinical Lipidology- 2022.03.008

    Presentations at National Cardiology Conferences:

    • Ranjan Modi, Pournima Patil,Veerappa A Kothiwale, Mahesh Kamate”Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome” Journal of the Scientific Society, Vol 41 / Issue 3 / September-December 2014 (195-196)
    • Pournima Patil, Ranjan Modi, Veerappa A Kothiwale Acral erythma as a manifestation of undifferentiated connective tissue disease” Journal of the Scientific Society,Vol 42/Issue 1/ January-April 2015(51-52).
    • V. Patted, M. R. Prasad, Ranjan Modi, P. C. Halkati , A. S. Godhi COILING OF PSEUDOANEURYSM REPLACED RIGHT HEPATIC ARTERY” Ind. J. Sci. Res. and Tech. 2014 2(4):26-29.
    • Dr.Sandeep Bijapur, Dr. Sameer Ambar, Dr. S.V. Patted, Dr.  P.C  Halkati  & Dr.  Ranjan Modi Case Report “Percutaneous Stenting As Management of Superior Mesentric Artery lschemia" published in Indian Journal of Science Research & Technology. 2014 . 2(6):7 2-14  
    • Sandeep Bijapur,  Dr. S.V.  Patted,  Dr.  Prabhu  Halkati ,Dr. Ranjan ModiEffect of Stent Length on Clinical Outcome in Patients with coronary artery  disease"  published in Indian Journal  of Science  & Technology  Feb. 2015  Vol   6 (4)  329-336.
    • Prabhu Halkati. Dr. Suresh Patted,  Dr. Ranjan Modi,  Mr. Rajesh Tasgaonkar " Retrieval of Devices —Percutaneous Techniques “  published in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume S. Issue 4, April 2015.
    • Suresh   Patted,   Dr.  Prabhu   Halkati.  Dr.  Sanjay  Porwal,Dr. Sameer  Ambar,Dr.  Prasad M R, Dr. V.B.  Metgudmath,  Dr. Ameet  Sattur, Dr.Ranjan  Modi  original Research Article “Pulmonary Embolism persistent Dilemma” Published in May 2015 in International Journal of Scientific Research (Vol. 6. Issue, 5, pp.3900- 3905,  May,  2015)
    • Suresh V  Patted ,Dr. Probhu C Halkati, Dr. Ranjan ModiPapillary Fibroelastoma a masquerade of LV tumour “ published in Journal  of  Indian College  of Cardiology  —Aug  2015
    • Prabhu  Halkati ,Dr. Suresh V  Patted,  Dr.  Ranjan Modi,   ,  Dr. Ameet  Sattur,  Mr. Rajesh Tasgaonkar “First Thoracic Artery Coronary Steal Syndrome Post Coronary Artery BypassSurgery”  published in IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research Volume : 4 | Issue : 5 | May 2015
    • Suresh V Patted  ,  Dr. Prabhu C  Halkati,  Dr. Ranjan Modi " LV Pseudo aneurysm-An Unprecedented Condition “published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, Vol 14, Issue 9. September 2015
    • Suresh V Patted,  Dr.  Prabhu  Halkati,  Dr. S.C.  Porwal, Dr. Sameer Ambar,   Dr. Prasad M.R. Dr. V.B. Metgudmath,  Dr. Ameet  Sattur,  Dr.  Ranjan Modi,    Dr.  Anand  Kumar  Entitled “ Honey Bee: A Mimic of Acute Myocardial Infarction" published in International Education and Research Journal (IERJ] Vo.J,  Issue 4,  November  2015.
    • Dr. Prasad M.R., Dr. S.V.  Patted,  Dr. P.C. Halkati, Dr. Ranjan   ModiIsolated Biventricular Noncompaction: An undefined entity “published in International Journal of Biological and medical research (IJBMR) , IJBMR-F-2015
    • Prabhu Halkati, Suresh Patted, Ranjan Modi “ Left ventricular mass - a facade for left ventricular calcification” International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2016 Dec;4(12):5521-5522
    • Ranjan Modi , SV Patted , Prabhu Halkati2 MD Dixit and Veeresh Manvi A 3 Year Old Case of Juvenile Mitral Stenosis- the Youngest Case Reported” published in Journal of cardiology and cardiovascular therapy –volume 6 issue 2 , june 2017
    • Abhishek Vikram Singh , Dr. Ranjan Modi, Dr. Sourya Acharya “ Depression – An Astute Variable in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome”- international Journal of Scientific Research- volume 6 , issue 9 , September 2017.
    • Ranjan  Modi , Dr. VA Kothiwale, Dr. S.V.  Patted,  Dr. P.C. Halkati, “Apo B/Apo Ai ratio with coronary artery disease with normal lipid profile in the Indian population” published  in JAPI , October 2017 volume 65.
    • Dr .Ranjan Modi, Dr. M.R. Prasad, Dr. Rajiv Konin, Dr. Jayaprakash Appajigol “Important coronary anomaly that may be missed by many cardiac interventionists!” published in IHJ Cardiovascular Case Reports (CVCR) 2018.
    • Ranjan  Modi , Dr.  Suresh   Patted,   Dr.  Prabhu   Halkati.  Dr.  Sanjay  Porwal,Dr. Sameer  Ambar,Dr.  Prasad M R, Dr. V.B.  Metgudmath “Ulembe Study: Unprotected Left Main Pci Study At 3 Year Follow Up” in JICC accepted 4/2018
    • Vijay Kumar, Vishal Rastogi, Vivudh P. Singh, Ranjan Modi, Ashok Seth “Valve-in-Valve-Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement for Surgical Bioprosthetic Valve Failure” Indian Heart J Interv 2018;1:45-52
    • Dr Praveer Agarwal, Dr Ranjan Modi, Dr Suman Bhandari : Case Report: Distal protection device in entrapped rota ablation burr- A basket of Delight in IHJ cardiovascular case reports : July 2020
    • Dr Ranjan Modi, Dr Shaan Khetrapal, Dr Sunil Modi, Dr Abhishek Vikram Singh , Dr Nikesh Mishra Original Article: Covid -19 – the pandemic of the 21 st century and correlation with cardiovascular system- a single centre experience: Journal of Clinical cardiology: December 2020 
    • Dr Ranjan Modi, Dr Sunil Modi Original Article: Non valvular atrial fibrillation and acute coronary syndrome- present Indian perspective and assessment: Journal of Indian College of Cardiology, December 2020
    • Dr Ranjan Modi, Dr Sunil Modi Review Article: Newer oral anticoagulants in venous thromboembolism: Journal of Indian College of cardiology , December 2020
    • Dr Ranjan Modi, Dr Sunil Modi Review Article: COVID-19 and cardiovascular complications - A review on thromboembolic phenomenon: Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, 12 (1) ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 (10.31838/jcdr.2021.12.01.11)
    • Somendra Singh Rao, Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr Naresh Gaur, Dr Ranjan Modi Case Report: ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction of Inferior wall and Right ventricle in a Rheumatic mitral stenosis due to thrombus at Right coronary sinus : Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, ISSN:0975-3583,0976-2833 VOL13,ISSUE 01,2022
    • Puri et al, Dr Ranjan Modi Evidence for intensive LDL-C lowering for acute coronary syndrome: Recommendations from the Lipid Association of India, Journal of Clinical Lipidology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacl.2022.03.008

    Patients Testimonials

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    Interventional Cardiology Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI/TAVR)

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