Dr. (Lt. Col) Ashok Kumar is a distinguished Radiation Oncologist with extensive experience of more than 23 years in treating a variety of cancers, including head and neck, brain, gynecological, and genitourinary malignancies. He is a recognized expert in Brachytherapy, having pioneered innovative techniques for treating various cancers. Dr. Kumar is dedicated to providing comprehensive cancer care and has made significant contributions to the field through his research, teaching, and clinical practice.
Head and Neck Cancer
Brain Tumors
Gynecologic Malignancy and Genitourinary Malignancies
Certificate course in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Senior & Junior leadership course from Army Medical Corp Center and College
AROI International Travel Fellowship at Med Austron , Weiner Neustad, Austria (Proton and Carbon ion therapy)
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) fellowship at Peter Mac Callum Cancer Center, Melbourne Australia.
Certificate course in Radiation emergencies from BARC
Certificate course in Palliative Care (IAPC)
Certificate course in Oncology Clinical Trial Training (OCTT)
Professional Diploma in Clinical Research (PDCR)
Diploma in Health Care Management (DHCM)
Internal Assessor NQAS certification course
Attended Clinical Audit workshop from National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare providers (NABH)
Commanding officer (Director) Military Hospital (168)
Head, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Army Hospital RR Delhi
Head, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Command Hospital Central Command, Lucknow, UP
Senior Resident, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Army Hospital RR Delhi
Training in Radiation Oncology, Diplomate national board (DNB)
Worked in various appointments both academic and administrative in Indian Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS)
Junior Resident – Northern Railway Central Hospital Delhi
Awards & Recognition
Have been awarded the prestigious “Chief of Army staff Commendation” for exemplary work and setting standards for others in armed forces
Counter insurgency medal
High altitude medal for serving in one of the most inhospitable terrain in high altitudes
Nine years long service medal
20 years long service medal.
75 years independence medal
IG BSF Commendation Card
2018: Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) fellowship at Peter Mac Callum Cancer Center, Melbourne Australia. “USG Guided brachytherapy for cervical cancers”
2022-23 : AROI International Travel Fellowship at Med Austron , Weiner Neustad , Austria (Proton and carbon ion therapy)
Association of Radiation oncologist of India – AROI
Indian Brachytherapy society – IBS
Indian Association of Palliative Care – IAPC
Indian College of Radiation Oncology - ICRO
Union for International Cancer Control - UICC (F)
Asian Cardio oncology Society – ACOS – Founder member
Contribution To Society
Imparting knowledge to various members of armed forces for tobacco prevention.
Seminars for prevention of cancer.
Talk for armed forces ladies for cancer prevention.
Worked along with PRERNA (cancer care group of wives of armed forces personal) for alleviation of suffering in end stage diseases.
Providing help from various societies to cancer patients.
Motivation of volunteers for cancer related activities.
Other Information
Research & Publications
Prevention of radiation induced fibrosis and improving QOL in head and neck cancer patients post-surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy treated with gamma and delta tocotrienol (ca probret) and pentoxyphylline. Ashok Kumar, S Bhatnagar, Nilima Mishra, IJAR, Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2018 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 5.397 | IC Value : 86.18.
Thymoma: an unusual presentation and its management by adjuvant 3d conformal radiotherapy. Ashok Kumar, S Bhatnagar. IJAR , Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2018 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 5.397 | IC Value : 86.18.
Dosimetric Comparison of Fixed and Flexible Geometry ICRT Applicators in Patients Treated for Carcinoma Cervix . Sukhvir Singh, Arti Sarin, Manoj Kumar Semwal, Ajay Kumar Singh, Pankaj Goyal, Ashok Kumar International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology, 2015, 4, 1-6. Published Online January 2015 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ijmpcero http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijmpcero.2015.41001.
Kumar A, Chakravarty N, Bhatnagar S, Chowdhary GS. Efficacy and safety of concurrent chemoradiotherapy with or without Nimotuzumab in unresectable locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck: Prospective comparative study-ESCORT-N study. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:108-11.
Kumar A, Mukundan H, Bhatnagar S, Sarin A, Taneja S, Sahoo S. Radiation for palliation: Role of palliative radiotherapy in alleviating pain/symptoms in a prospective observational study at two tertiary care centers. Indian J Palliat Care 2019;25:391-7.
Kumar A. Acro- metastases to the hand in stomach carcinoma: a rare entity. BMJ .Case Reports CP 2019;12:e229390.
Write up in ESTRO newsletter May – June 2017 on Transition from conventional 2D to 3D radiotherapy with a special emphasis on brachytherapy in cervical cancers 1st ESTRO-AROI gynaecology teaching course 8- 11 March 2017 Bengaluru, India Simplifying tumor volume estimation from linear dimensions for intra cranial lesions treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. S Singhal, M Gill, C Srivastava, D Gupta, Ashok Kumar, A Kaushik, M Semwal. J Med Phys 2020,45:199-205
Discordance between fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry analysis of anaplastic lymphoma kinase rearrangement in Indian patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma. Manish Kumar, Kishore Kumar, HP Singh, S Nair, A Patel, Ashok Kumar, Sneha Soni. South Asian J cancer :2020;9:109-114.
Intra-Cavitary Brachytherapy practice in COVID times: A prospective analysis of time durations of various procedural steps in the practice. Ashok Kumar, Manoj K Semwal et al, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology. 2022;Volume 8, Issue 1 - V8I1-1363: 378-383.
Simplifying Tumor Volume Estimation from Linear Dimensions for Intra-Cranial Lesions Treated with Stereotactic Radiosurgery Singhal S, Gill M, Srivastava C, Gupta D, Kumar A, Kaushik A, et al. J Med Phys 2020;45:199-205.
ASCO Oral presentation 2022 : An open-label, noninferiority phase III RCT of weekly versus three weekly cisplatin and radical radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (ConCERTtrial). Atul Sharma, Manish Kumar, Suman Bhasker, Alok Thakar, Raja Pramanik, Ahitagni Biswas, akash kumar, Kapil Sikka, Amit Chirom Singh, Supriya Mallick, Rajeev Kumar, S.V.S. Deo, Aanchal Kakkar Saphalta Baghmar, Amit Sehrawat, Pooja Sethi, Ashok Kumar, Sandeep Seth, Ashish Dutt Upadhyay, Sanjay Thulkar
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