Kidney Transplant: Things You Should Know About Post-Transplant

Kidney Transplant: Things You Should Know About Post-Transplant

Kidney failure affects an estimated 1.8 lakh people per year, yet the frequency of renal transplants is very low. A kidney transplant is a major surgery. Knowing what to expect following a kidney transplant is crucial. The nephrologists from the Best Kidney Hospital in Faridabad have shared their knowledge about Kidney Transplants with readers.

What Is A Kidney Transplant?

A kidney transplant is a surgery done to replace a diseased or damaged kidney with a healthy one from a donor. The two bean-shaped organs located in the lower back filter waste from the blood and remove it from the body through urine. They also help regulate blood pressure and produce hormones that help the body make red blood cells.

Kidney transplants are usually done when other treatments, such as dialysis, have failed to control a person's kidney function. A successful kidney transplant can improve a person's quality of life and extend their life expectancy.

However, there are some risks post kidney transplants, but these are typically outweighed by the benefits of the procedure. Some of the risks include infection, rejection of the transplanted kidney, and bleeding.

Process Of Kidney Transplant

  1. The first step is to find a donor. If you have a family member or friend who is willing to donate their kidney, they will need to undergo some tests to make sure their kidneys match. Once a donor is found, the next step is to prepare for surgery.
  2. You'll need to have some tests done to make sure you're healthy enough for surgery, and you'll also need to take care of any other medical conditions you have. For example, if you have diabetes, your blood sugar will need to be carefully controlled before surgery.
  3. The surgery itself is usually done under general anesthesia, which means you'll be asleep during the procedure. The donor's kidney is placed in your body, and the blood vessels and urinary tract are connected to it. Stay in the hospital is required for a few days after surgery so that your doctors can monitor your recovery.

Things You Should Know Before Transplant

After a kidney transplant, it is essential to take care of yourself and your new kidney. Be sure to take your medications as prescribed and see your doctor for regular checkups. It is also essential to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes. These lifestyle choices will help you stay healthy and improve the function of your new kidney. But there are a few things that are essential to be known before you undergo the transplant.

1. You Have To Visit Your Nephrologist Even After Years Of Transplant.

Having a kidney transplant is a lifelong treatment. You must visit your nephrologist regardless of how long it has been since you received the transplant. This is to ensure that the transplanted kidneys are working perfectly.

2. Dental Cleaning Is Required!

Post kidney transplant a person's risk of developing dental infections (along with other types of infections) increases. This is because of immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) medications and to prevent this risk, a person is recommended dental cleaning every six months. The patient might also need to pre-medicate themselves before each visit.

3. Other Health Problems May Arise Post-Transplant

Post kidney transplant several health problems may arise. Problems that might occur could be:

  • Minor Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Cold
  • Flu and many more

But you don't need to worry, if you face any problem (acute or severe) mention it to your doctor as it can be treated well with medications.

4. Hygiene Practices Are Essential

Post-transplant you would be prone to infections but that doesn't mean you have to send your life in a bubble. Make hygiene practices your routine like keeping your hands clean and sanitizing everything before touching. This will help you stay protected by lowering the chances of infections

5. Remember ‘Transplant’ Is A Gift!

Aim to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating well and exercising gently but frequently, because your kidneys are a precious gift that should not be squandered.

Kidneys are vital organs for survival and taking care of them is your responsibility. Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad is one of the Best Hospitals For Kidney Treatments. Nephrologists at the hospital ensure that every patient receives the best care possible. Book an appointment with them to seek guidance for kidney treatment.

Dr. Tanmay Pandya | Nephrology,Renal/Kidney Transplant | Sarvodaya Hospital

Dr. Tanmay Pandya
HOD & Director - Nephrology & Renal Transplantation

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