6 Myths About Breast Cancer: What are Some Common Misconceptions?
Cancer Care

6 Myths About Breast Cancer: What are Some Common Misconceptions?

Do you know that Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in India, accounting for almost 28.2% of all female cancers? It is of no surprise that with our changing lifestyles, the common reasons that can be associated with increased risk of breast cancer are usually obesity, early menstruation or late menopause, radiation exposure, alcohol consumption, smoking, a family history of breast cancer and inherited genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, but the myths that follow make us believe otherwise. 

Breast Cancer

Myth or Fact? Busting Breast Cancer Myths

No matter the actual cause of the development of breast cancer in both women and men, there are plenty of myths that need to be addressed. Medical Myths are bound to cause anxiety and trouble, making us believe that some of our daily actions can cause such life-altering diseases. So, let’s figure out if the following are actual causes that contribute to such diagnosis or just a common household myth:

Myth: Men can’t get breast cancer 

Fact: Although breast cancer in men is a relatively rare instance, according to a report by WHO, 0.5 - 1% of men do develop breast cancer. Thus, it’s a myth that men cannot have breast cancer.

Myth: Underwired or black-coloured bras cause cancer.

Fact: It is believed that an underwire bra obstructs the flow of lymph, ultimately causing breast cancer. However, there is no credible research to prove this as an apt theory. On the other hand, another myth that black-coloured bras supposedly attract heat and therefore cause cancer is not true.

Myth: Antiperspirants and deodorants cause breast cancer.

Fact: Antiperspirants and deodorants are usually safe products for healthy people to use. There is no clinical evidence to prove that these products are and have any cancer-causing agents.

Myth: A mammogram can cause and spread cancer.

Fact: Generally known as the X-ray of the breast, a mammogram is done annually with minimal radiation and is doctor-recommended. A mammogram is best for early detection of breast cancer and is not a cancer-causing agent.

Myth: Having no history of breast cancer in the family means I won’t develop it.

Fact: Most people with a family history or a genetic pass down have an increased risk of developing it. 

Myth: A healthy lifestyle eliminates the risk of developing breast cancer.

Fact: Being at a healthy weight, being physically active and leading a healthy lifestyle do lower the chances of developing breast cancer, however, it does not completely eliminate the chances of developing breast cancer as several other conditions such as heredity, radiation and other factors can also lead to the same diagnosis.

Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Here are some signs and symptoms that could help you for early detection of breast cancer:

  1. Changes to skin over the breast.
  2. Peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking of the skin on the breast.
  3. Changes in the size, shape and appearance of the breast.
  4. A lump in the breast or a thickened area of skin that feels different from the rest.
  5. A flattened or inward-turned nipple.
Symptoms of breat cancer

Prevention of Breast Cancer

An early detection can allow you the chance to heal with early medical intervention. As we all know prevention is better than cure. Here are a few things you can do to lower the risk of developing breast cancer:

  1. Be physically fit, active and at a healthy weight.
  2. Eat a balanced and healthy diet.
  3. Do not smoke and limit alcohol intake.
  4. Avoid birth control pills, especially if you are over the age of 35.
  5. Avoid hormone therapy for menopause.

Detection of Breast Cancer

There are multiple ways to detect breast cancer:

  • Self-Examination: Any of the symptoms or irregularities in the condition of the breast tissue can be identified through self-examination
  • Breast Ultrasound: An imaging test that uses sound waves to look inside the breast and discover any diseases or abnormalities present.
  • Breast MRI: This test is usually done after a biopsy showing cancer and helps show the extent of the cancer.
  • Digital Mammography:  This type of Mammography records a radiographic image electronically in a digital format rather than onto film. It is a pain-free and patient-friendly process and allows the patients to be comfortable while being tested. 

Early intervention for cancer helps doctors treat the condition in an effective way and ensure that the cancer doesn’t spread or worsen the risk of the condition at all. Sarvodaya Cancer Institute brings highly experienced oncologists in Faridabad and Delhi NCR that help you with detection, treatment, prevention and counselling for cancer. Our team of the best cancer specialists here at Sarvodaya Hospital can guide you throughout the cancer treatment. For the best cancer care in Faridabad and Delhi NCR, consult with our cancer doctors at Sarvodaya Hospital, Sec 8, Faridabad. Book a consultation here or contact us at 1800 313 1414.
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Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar | Medical Oncology,Cancer Care,Haematology & BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant),Paediatric Oncology | Sarvodaya Hospital

Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar
Director- Sarvodaya Cancer Institute

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